Halong BayBay of Dragons.We woke up early the next morning to go to Halong Bay, or the Bay of Descending Dragons. Picked up in a bus, we headed out for the four hour drive. And again stopped part way at an American “art market.” Where the prices were in US dollars. Finally reaching the bay, we climbed aboard our boat and sailed off into the mist. They cooked us lunch, fresh fish, a green vegetable, cucumbers, French fries and spring rolls. After lunch, we docked within a floating village. Each house was on its own little floating section, which seems like it would be difficult to make into a neighborhood. There were dogs running around in their respective areas, but there wasn’t grass on them, so it seemed a little strange. We hopped off the boat and onto a small floating section, where there were kayaks and torn, ripped life jackets. Becca and I decided to kayak through some small caves and around the bay. I tucked my camera into a plastic bag and we kayaked around, getting extremely wet in the process. After this, the boat headed off to a cave-Heaven’s Cave. Walking up the steps, Becca listened intently to our guide pointing out different formations like “fairy woman” and “Buddha” while I wandered around. Back to our boat, we watched schools of little fish jumping out of the water as we headed back to the dock. |